Sunday, March 3, 2013

hay bitches i'm back

I've really been craving a good bloggin lately, so I'm going to give this blog a round two. It's been... months upon months since I've truly updated this thing. There is SO much to update, but short story of it is I'm back home in Waterloo (key word being home), and I'm getting back into the swing of things here. So far that's meant buying myself a new mattress and new pair of boots, completely rearranging my room, watching tons of Duck Dynasty, Chopped, and Fringe, baking, shopping with my mom and planning for my Euro trip.

I'm also working. Finally I'm learning things and using my brain at work again. Every day is bigger challenge than the last. There is literally so much to learn that I feel it's impossible that I could possibly be selling in a year's time. This definitely isn't the mechanical come in to work and do the same thing you do every fucking day kind of job (cough, retail, cough). Retail was never for me. I can't do menial labour. It's... boring.

However, I do love to sell, and I'm good at it. I love speaking to people, which I'm also good at. Thanks English degree and good parenting, for making me eloquent! Also all those books I read, and still read. Today I was looking at them all piled up on my floor because my bookshelves are full. Read: I also have many boxes in storage, just filled with books. In my room alone there are probably 100 books, not counting those 300 some in storage. I was considering selling some of them or donating to a used bookstore but as I was staring at them I thought, one day soon I'm going to have my own place, and those would look fucking great in my own library. And one day maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll be graced with little hellion children and they will enjoy those same books I lost myself in. Maybe they'll trace the same passages with their fingers, read the same pages over and over until the spines crack and the covers are creased. Fingers crossed.

Anyway, so much about me has changed, yet so much is the same. I still have a serious love for oversized sweaters, but now add to that collared shirts and blazers. And even the occasional dress (gasp). I've been careful to remind myself that belongings mean nothing. They're nice things, but working in retail, you start to let them own you. That is not the person I ever want to be - that is not how I was raised. So back to saving I go.

And all that saving is for something wonderful, just for me. At the end of May I'm traveling to the UK to meet my little sister who's there on a year exchange and we're backpacking Europe for a month and three weeks. We'll be visiting Amsterdam, Barcelona, Rome, Zurich, Freiburg, Koln, Berlin, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stravanger, Dublin, and London. I feel like I'm missing some but that's the jest of it.

Monday, September 24, 2012

i left an entire life for love to make myself happy and having the person not appreciate me half the time hurts worse than anything i've felt. i wouldn't expect him to understand that though.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

hallo it's been awhile since i updated! so guess what u beautiful bitches i'm gonna hit you with some truth.

all of my favsie shows start up soon! yesterday justin and i went to ikea and i bought a new desk, so i'm going to start writing my book finally (no more poems and weird random snippits written on the backs of receipts self, i promise you). he also unpacked the rest of his stuff and I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom to perfection. Everything is sparkly and looks amazing. we bought a new shower curtain and it's so cute. these are the things i'm into now i guess.

today justin and I are going out to princess auto to buy me a staple gun so I can make my headboard. I bought this amazing floral fabric (yap u no me and anything floral - gotta have it) so i'm going to stuff it and put buttons on it as well. it's gonna look pretty great when I'm finished. We're also planning a house warming party for next weekend, which should be fun now that the place is finally starting to look like home. Nesting! yay!

In other news, I made this for my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary, but I only have a picture of it half done currently. It's finished now and in an envelope ready to be sent to Ontario.

I've been watching Spartacus lately and I can't express my love for that show. So amazing. So sad the main character died of cancer after the first season D: SO sad they had to replace him. Apparently a third season is coming out this year?! Lucky me.

Anyway here's how I look lately, in case you all forgot

OKAY gonna go surf my life away on the internet now.

Friday, August 17, 2012

my life is one exhausting hurt after another and i don't even have zoe here to hold me together, physically and mentally, anymore. she is the only person who has the strength to do it. i trust no one in my life but her. she is the only person who loves me.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

sexiest song. chorus gives me chills.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


i'm just hanging out waiting for my hair to dry and waiting for UPS to show up with my package. today it's supposed to rain and i'm super stoked. i haven't updated this blog in a forever years, but that's because i've been up to so many things, like finding a new condo (we get the key son my birthday!!) and working a lot. also watching a bunch of tv... and dealing with girls who want my boyfran ~bitches back awf~

guize look how long my hairs are now. pretty good.

i like to roll around in my bed and look happy. i have the softest soft blanket from costco and i wrap myself in it like a cocoon and go to bed

i'm still a big derp, like this one time i was doing laundry and smacked my head on the card reader when i stood up. i had a big bump and it hurt so bad. justin laughed for a year.

TODAY I AM GOING TO DO ARTS AND CRAFTS. it's my favourite part of helping justin with his projects. the crafts part. i'm going to paint and do stuff. but right now i'm going to watch a movie on netflix and also eat leftover pizza from last night. it's going to be... delicious. also i'm going to make tea, which i'm drinking way too much of lately... it needs to stop.

i'll leave you with a little... ~romantix songs~ from the notebook.

hahaha damn how could i love tyga this much

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Guys! i haven't updated this in so long! i have a lot of updates!

soooo i promise to make them some other time! but soon!! i'm just busy with other shit ok

Saturday, April 14, 2012

when people my age who are married talk about their lives, i want to barf at how boring it sounds.
1 exam down, 2 more to go. blegh. so ready to be finished this degree.

Next week is... so busy! I don't have a moment to myself. only 16 more days until i'm out of here. i have approximately a thousand dinners to attend within that time frame. ugh.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

zo & i discuss starting a bookstore/coffeeshop

Amanda: ugh does this mean i have to work as a barista
Zoe: yes [:(]
Amanda: we should just like only serve normal coffee or tea
and if you want fancy coffee we scream in your face
throw books and cats at you
we'll train our cat to hate the scent of specialty coffee lovers

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

texting ez is the best.

a: when do you get back to stupid waterwoo
e: fucking april 30. straight to Roxanne for us!
a: amen
e: and we're getting non-kosher chicken and waffles!
e: apparently a friend of mine won $1000 at amateur night
a: Holy shit! i could never do that.
a: i can only be awkward sexy
a: niche sexy

Sunday, April 1, 2012

feel sick to your stomach. feel like you can do nothing right. horrible, horrible.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

one of my favourite rap covers. that's how you do that, the right way.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

mrah, so tired. would like to get a full night sleep. had a good talk with my man last night and now i feel a hundred times better.

tomorrow is my last class as an undergrad, ever. sooo weird. yesterday it kind of hit me that i'm not going to be on campus after this month. being an adult is weeeiiirddd. i've been having to think of things like full time big girl jobs and health insurance. what even.

there are still about a thousand things i've got to do but i feel good and organized and less stressed about that. going to focus on work and exams for now. adfoiwnepfaisdnfon 40 days!